The Bright Side Blog

Move the Pain Away: Turning Movement Into Medicine

Move the Pain Away: Turning Movement Into Medicine

Want a natural pain remedy? Movement may be an option you hadn’t considered. MYXfitness Coaches Donna Scro Samori and Dan Lawrence lead MYX RX classes designed for pain relief. They’re giving us the expert lowdown. 

How can movement work as medicine?

“A lot of exploration can happen,” says Dan. “A benefit of movement is that it can help us discover the root of pain through our mind-body connection.”

Donna agrees. “MYX RX classes are short and address a specific area,” she says, "so we can see what movements make us feel better.”

When is the best time to use movement for pain?

“It depends on what level of pain you’re feeling,” says Donna. “If there is a discomfort, ache, or soreness, then movement may be the way to go. If you feel a sharp pain, play it safe and consult your doctor.”

“Some people have back issues or other kinds of discomfort that cannot be operated on,” says Dan. “Movement is a great method for dealing with pain in people who may otherwise just have to live with it.”

Dan and Donna’s Movement Guide

Headaches: Movements: posture work, ear-to-shoulder stretch, downward-facing dog, standing forward fold

“Neck tension can lead to the head and cause a headache,” says Dan. “There is a simple exercise to create better posture and assist with headache pain. You sit against a wall and push your elbows back. Pull your shoulder blades together and hold for ten to fifteen seconds.”

“Even little stretches can work,” says Donna. “For example, bring one ear to one shoulder with a gentle stretch. Downward-facing dog and standing forward fold also help alleviate headaches."


Shoulder Pain: Movements: push-up plus, wall W

“When the shoulders are contracted,” says Donna, “the upper back stretches too far. You can help ease pain by finding the proper placement of the shoulder, aligning the humerus with the collar bone. Try the push-up plus and other movements that focus on retraction and protraction.”

“A wall W is ideal for shoulders too,” says Dan. “Stand against a wall. Bring your arms over your head to form a W as you keep the back of your hands, wrists, and elbows in contact with the wall.”


Lower-Back Pain: Movement: cat-cow pose

“Try movements with arching and rounding such as a cat-cow stabilization,” says Dan. “You will stretch your abdominal wall, which can fix postural deviations and discomfort.”


Tight Hips: Movements: squats, figure four pose

A squat works well for tight hips,” says Donna. “You can also try a figure four pose where you cross your ankle over your knee and sit back.”


Thanks for the tips, Dan and Donna! See you in the app.

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